Tag Archives: Expat Artist

My finished unfinished painting…

It’s been quite some time since I let you all in on my thought processes. I know that this was originally why I started this website, so I’ve decided to get back to that. As I sit here listening to Ludovico Einaudi, my heart fills with the desire to pick up my paint brushes again. His mesmerizing music has often led to my most satisfying painting sessions, and I long to disappear into the music… to allow myself to truly let go, in a magical dance of movement between my entire body and my paintbrush, as the oil paint glides across a large canvas.

Tears fill my eyes as I listen to this music and look upon my last finished unfinished oil painting. Only those who have been to my apartment have ever seen it. I’ve never purposely shown it to anyone, yet it is probably one of the most important paintings I’ve ever done. It was the last time I held a brush in my hands… the last time I moved my brush and felt the pleasure of reaching down inside myself to reveal a piece of my soul on canvas. Painting was better than any therapy session I could have ever received. It was a moment of completely letting go of everything, including the pain I have endured. Painting allowed me to reach a level of pure unimaginable joy… It was a way of revealing what I didn’t even know was inside of me.

Now, there it sits… my last painting, on the floor… in the corner of my apartment, partially hidden behind a door. It’s so close to being finished… and it’s my largest piece of artwork to date. At first glance it looks as though it might be finished…

but as I move closer to this work without a name, my eyes fall on the part of the painting that reveals the exact moment of where and when my undiagnosed illness took a terrible turn. It had advanced too far untreated, making me too ill to continue painting. I was unable to even walk without help, let alone paint, so this unfinished work sat staring back at me as I battled this disease that had taken over my body. It sat while I fought for a diagnosis. I stared at this painting between doctor appointments… and hospital stays.

When I had gained some strength, I tried to finish this painting but by that time, months had passed and the oil paint had long dried. As I applied the fresh paint, it made bumps as I painted over the grooves left on the canvas from my previous painting. The new paint could no longer blend and smooth into my previous work, and although disappointed I continued to paint until I could paint no more. My body once again began to betray me, and the physical movements were just too much for me. I had to stop. The sides of the canvas were unfinished, leaving raw canvas and patches of paint and smudges left over from the process. The sharp flowing groves of the paint weren’t quite right. It was gut wrenching to put the paintbrushes away, and when I did, I wonder if a part of me knew that this would be the last time I would hold a brush for a very long time, if ever again.

Years have gone by, and my doctors have gotten a decent grasp on what’s happening with me. Although there is no cure, they have slowed the progression of what had been ravaging my body, and I have gathered strength. If you look at me now, you would not even know that I am sick, that I take a minimum of 13 pills a day and that I must rest for days if I plan to live what most consider a normal day outside the house. No sympathy is needed because I have learned how to live with my illnesses as best I can and I am appreciative of each moment I get on this earth with my beautiful family and friends.

My easel, on which sat my last painting, has sadly been arranged for years. As a result, my finished unfinished painting was moved, turned sideways and place on the floor in the corner of the room. I’ve since adapted my artwork and feel blessed to have my dear sweet man offer me an iPad so I could create artwork differently…

Bellanda at work

but I feel like something has changed today. I often listen to Ludovico Einaudi, but for the first time in years, as I look at my finished unfinished painting, I’m thinking of taking out the paintbrushes again. I’m asking myself questions: Perhaps a smaller canvas? What if I rest for days before I paint? To be honest, I’m not sure where this is heading, but I am happy. It’s something for me to think about.

I’ve also come to another conclusion about that finished unfinished painting… Perhaps it’s time to think of it as finished. Those bumps in the canvas that were created during my health crisis actually belong there. They represent my struggle… as do the messy unfinished lines and sides of the canvas. They are justified in existing, as are our flaws. Not everything can be smoothed out… acceptance is often the first step to moving forward.

This painting is as beautifully imperfect as I am … and it represents my unfinished battle. Those imperfections are much like the bumps in the road that have taken me off the main road time and time again… but only until I’ve created a new path. I’m certainly not giving up… not on my health, not in my life, nor in my creations.

Now, I just need to give this painting a name… and to find a place to hang it proudly. Thanks for sticking with me and for being here on my journey. ❤️

Mindwarp – Digital Oil Painting by Bellanda

Mindwarp by Bellanda

I’ve just finished Mindwarp, a digital oil painting. This painting took longer to make than my others, but I’m happy with the end result. It’s entitled Mindwarp because its layers reminded me that sometimes we need to follow the twists and turns on various levels in order to see the full picture.

Hope that you enjoy Mindwarp. ❤

All the best!


Click to see Mindwarp in our online shop.

New Holiday Design – Behind the scenes

It’s that time of year again! I’ve been trying to add at least one design a year to my holiday images over the last couple of years. It all started as a way to share a piece of our Christmas here in France with family and friends around the world. The next thing I knew, I began getting inquiries about whether I could add the designs to my shop. It hadn’t crossed my mind that anyone else might enjoy these as much as we do, so that has made them all the more special. These days, I really look forward to this project.

Old Fashioned Christmas in Paris – Artwork by Bellanda

Recently, I started getting questions about the “magical places” I must go to get these images. I had to hold down my giggles because quite honestly, I don’t go anywhere. Everything is part of our very own family Christmas, with decorations we’ve gathered over the years in and around Paris. This year is all the more special because my dear sweet man joined me in the process.


I decided to share a couple of photos of the making of process, so you could understand a little better as to why I giggled. You probably can’t tell, but I’m actually barefoot and wearing red and black checkered flannel pajama pants. I was hoping it would get me into a creative Christmas spirit. This is not an easy task in the middle of November, but it seems to have done the trick.

I wanted to put the Christmas tree up extra early for the photo shoot this year, but unfortunately I had a hard time convincing the rest of the family. Can’t imagine why this would be a problem. 😊

My dear man helped me move everything around and create a makeshift little studio. I loved having him help for the day. As you can see, our impromptu Christmas tree seems to have done the job, and our new find, a 1940 antique stool has taken on an important role. I absolutely love this stool and am thrilled to be able to include it in this year’s design.

You might want to zoom in on this next photo to see more closely where the magic happens. ☺️ Giggles

Makeshift Studio for the Old Fashioned Santa design by Bellanda

Okay, so this probably isn’t like any studio you’ve ever seen or imagined, but we have to do what we can with what we’ve got, right? Don’t you love the “state of the art” lighting? The lamps & reading light really do add that special little something, don’t you think?! 😂

In the end, this year’s Christmas photo turned out to be one of my favorites. I enjoyed the process of making it as much as I enjoyed the photo. Hope you like it, too!

Old Fashioned Santa – Artwork by Bellanda

To see the full image and others, please visit my shop: https://atelier-bellanda.pixels.com

Angel of Light

Angel of Light by Bellanda

I know that I promised to write about NFTs and my new Character series in my next article, but I am sure you will understand why I decided to feature this piece instead. About 10 days ago, I lost someone who was dear to my heart. Even though we lived on separate sides of the ocean and rarely got to see each other, it rocked my world. Ever since we were kids, I had admired the strength and determination of her mind and the energy and light of her strong spirit.

The news that she had lost her battle to Covid left me completely dumbfounded because word hadn’t even reached me that she was sick. For the first time, I found myself at a complete loss. I tried working, but suddenly hated all of my current projects to the point that I was ready to throw them away. I tried writing because that had always been a source of comfort to me, but here I was left with a blank page.

As many of you know, when you are a Mom, you often have to put on a brave face… but I couldn’t even pretend to hide my grief, often bursting into tears at the most inopportune or unexpected moments in front of anyone who happened to be around, including my children. Nothing I did or said made anything better, so I decided to just stop trying and allow myself to grieve and think of her… her voice and her laugh resonated in my mind.

The next thing I knew I had drawn a long rounding twisting line. I decided to let it take me wherever it wanted. Without forethought and with no preconceptions, I drew simple flowing lines… one after the other until I stepped back and came to the realization that she was there. There was her light and her energy. It had always been there in my heart and now there she was in front of me reaching towards the heavens.

She lit up the Earth with her presence and now that light shines from above… an Angel of Light. She will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to have known her.

Angel of Light by Bellanda


What a year! I wish I could say it was over, but we are still in the midst of Covid here in Paris.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, and I’m sorry for that. This past year has completely changed the dynamics of our household, and it has taken some juggling and some getting used to in order to be able to create in an apartment, with no real space of my own. This had never been an issue because the kids were usually in school and my dear man and I would often work from home, so we have a mutual respect for each other’s space, no matter how small that space happened to be.

I honestly didn’t think it would effect me as it has, but just to give you an example… I have been interrupted 8 times while writing this paragraph, and now my dear man just received a call that he is what they call here a contact Covid case. So, out come the masks at home, yet again. This is the 3rd time that one of us has been a contact case. I’m sure that there are a lot of you who can relate to all of this. My autoimmune illness adds further stress and constraints to the situation, but I try to remain positive. I’m thankful to have the Bois de Vincennes of Paris nearby to reconnect with nature, and I’m fortunate to have my children and dear sweet man by my side. I cannot complain, nor do I want to because so many have suffered, and my heart goes out to them.

I’ve tried to maintain my Twitter and Instagram accounts, and I know some of you have found your way to me there and I’m thankful for that. Your continued support has meant the world to me.

So, without further ado… What have I been up to?

The French tech show, ORLM, invited me to test out the iPad Pro 7 and the iPad Air 4 for a couple of weeks. They filmed and a little segment of me during one of their shows. As many of you know, I’m not one to put myself in front of a camera, but I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to test out these to products. This actually changed they way I work today. I loved both but decided on the Pro being better adapted for my needs. Prior to this I was using a computer with an attached graphics tablet. It took some getting used to, and I’m not sure if I ever truly adapted after having to stop painting my large canvases for health reasons.

ORLM episode: http://youtu.be/mD11lIj6j2k My little segment appears around the 37:07 point in the video. It’s in French but you will get the idea. 😉

Oh, and no, I am not sponsored by them or anyone else to say what I am about the iPad (I wish! 😁). I’m sharing this because I have often tried to share my process with you. There’s something about being able to paint or draw directly on the screen that is quite liberating, and the fact that I can physically move around, changing positions, helps reduce the pain I get when I sit or stand in the same position too long. I’m literally lounging on my back while typing this. 😅

I’m thankful that I have been able to find a state of mind that enabled me to create in all of the craziness going on around me. Below are 4 of my most recent creations, each of which were done on the iPad. The piece entitled, Synergy was the first time since I stopped oil painting that I was able to create something that resembled my paintings. I got that incredible same sensation when I realized that it was finished. There is nothing like disappearing into the music, to just create.

Synergy by Bellanda
The Synergy of my physical oil painting merged with today’s digital world… a coming together of techniques to create a new mode of expression that enables me to continue expressing myself despite the physical limitations my illness has placed upon me. This is the first of many to come!
Transcendence by Bellanda
Allowing myself to disappear while I paint is a huge part of my process… there is a moment when I can feel myself let go completely. My brain turns off, so to speak, from trying to control the output. When I stepped back to see what I’d done, this piece quite literally filled my heart and brought tears to my eyes.
Spring Feeling by Bellanda
Using my new tools, and new techniques, this piece is different because it was inspired by the beauty I came across during my most recent outing in the Bois de Vincennes of Paris. I started reconnecting with nature by taking long walks because I have felt so isolated from the world this past year. I think it was the first time in quite a while that I actually felt hopeful, as if things were finally going in the right direction. I decided to immortalize the feeling that these blossoms had brought to me.
Innocence by Bellanda
A pensive moment during what should be the innocence of youth in the midst of a changing world. It breaks my heart what our children are having to live through during these Covid Days.

In addition to these 4 pieces, I’ve begun a completely new series of what I am calling Collectible Characters (they’re a lot of fun), of which I will feature in my next post. Some have been minted as NFT tokens. This is something I’ve recently become interested in because I think it will change the future of art and artists. I look forward to talking more about this Collection of Characters and NFTs in detail.

In the meantime, I’ve updated my about About Page on this website. It’s a far more detailed piece of writing that lets you truly into who I am and why I do what I do. I will be updating the rest of the website over the next couple of weeks.

Until, then, stay safe… Send any extra positive thoughts and energy our way, as we could use them this week. Due to the Case Contact we are in complete lockdown. My dear sweet man will be getting the first of two mandatory tests Monday. Stay safe, everyone…

Bellanda ❤️

Labor Day Special!

Happy Labor Day! To help celebrate this American holiday, Free ground shipping to U.S. customers, with destinations within the USA, is now available on all orders until midnight Eastern Time on Labor Day!
Close out summer in style with a new look for your home. If you’re not in the mood to redecorate, try accessorizing your life with apparel, fashion accessories, and tech products.
For artwork and accessories, please see below and visit: Atelier Bellanda Shopping for additional artwork and accessories.

Bellanda Shopping PROMO
Artwork: ©Bellanda

La Recontre Wearable Art Tote designed by Bellanda
‘La Recontre’ Tote ©Bellanda

'Paris Madame Eiffel' by Bellanda
‘Paris Madame Eiffel’ ©Bellanda

Paris on Mind by Bellanda - notebook
‘Paris on My Mind’ ©Bellanda – spiral notebook

Everglades - Wearable Art Weekender Tote by Bellanda
‘Everglades’ Weekender Tote ©Bellanda

'Eiffel Tower in Blue' Tote by Bellanda
‘Eiffel Tower in Blue’ Tote ©Bellanda

For more artwork and accessories, please visit: Atelier Bellanda Shopping


Designed in Paris… made in the USA: Wearable Art Tote Bags by Bellanda

I’ve turned my creations into wearable art in the form of tote bags that can accompany you on your picnics, pool parties and beach outings. These lightweight totes are also a great way to be environmentally conscious, as they can replace plastic shopping bags for your everyday purchases. The tote bags come in 3 sizes: 13 x 13 inches – 16 x 16 inches – 18 x 18 inches.

Colors of Paris ©Bellanda – Wearable Art Tote Bag
Convergence ©Bellanda – Wearable Art Tote Bag
Amore - Wearable Art Tote Bag designed by Bellanda
Amore ©Bellanda – Wearable Art Tote Bag
French Flags Tote Bag by Bellanda
French Flags ©Bellanda – Wearable Art Tote Bag
Awakening N°1
Awakening N°1 ©Bellanda – Wearable Art Tote Bag
La Recontre Wearable Art Tote designed by Bellanda
La Recontre ©Bellanda – Wearable Art Tote designed
Eiffel Tower In Blue ©Bellanda
Wearable Art Tote Collection by Bellanda
Wearable Art Tote Collection ©Bellanda
Wearable Art Tote Collection ©Bellanda

To purchase a tote bag or to see a full selection of wearable art tote bags by Bellanda, please visit: Tote Bags ©Bellanda

Convergence – Mixed Media Abstract

Convergence is my latest mixed media piece. It is a mix of images that converge and create an individual experience for the onlooker. What do you see?

Convergence - Mixed Media Art by Bellanda
Convergence – Mixed Media Art ©Bellanda

If you are interested in purchasing a print of ‘Convergence’

Convergence – Mixed Media Abstract Art by Bellanda ©Bellanda

Let’s call it “Blue” … for now.

I’m back & I’ve just finished Blue

'Blue' - Mixed Media Artwork by Bellanda
‘Blue’ – Mixed Media Artwork ©Bellanda

Love to hear your thoughts and/or title suggestions. Although, I’m starting to warm-up to the title Blue, it would be fun to name this together.

If you are interested in purchasing a print of ‘Blue’

Please visit: Blue – Mixed Media by Bellanda ©Bellanda

Happy news: Now that my illness is stabilized, you will be seeing my posts more regularly. I’ve had to find less physical ways to express myself… ‘Blue’ is one of the results of this. It was created by using several different media.

EVOCATIVE SERIES – Unedited Film Photography

"Evocative Series" Bellanda  ®

EVOCATIVE… it’s time. After many years of keeping Evocative a personal experience, limiting its exposure, I have decided to allow this series to enter people’s homes and hearts. Evocative was created in 2002, and was born from a mix of emotions that words could not convey. When I entered France, I could barely speak a word of French. Frustrations, extreme changes and tremendous life experiences were mixed together in such a turmoil that they apparently became evident in my photographic work. It was then that my photographs took an unintentional inward turn, and became one of self-expression, filled with color… instead of my former black and white representation of stolen candid moments of people from around the world.

I was offered a delicate purple orchid by the man I treasured most just before he left for Africa. He was part of a very dangerous documentary film crew, and promised to return to me in one piece before the flower had begun to fade and die. While he was gone, I decided to immortalize his gesture for eternity by creating Evocative N°1. In his absence, this project made him forever present. Over the next several weeks, I ended up creating an entire series of work. I arranged the photographs preciously around my apartment. Seeing these images helped comfort me in those frightening moments as I wondered if he was in danger… if he was hurt. The absence of news was deafening, but as promised he returned to me safely before the flower had faded and we enjoyed these photographs and all they stood for together.

Evocative N°1 – Unedited Film Photography – Bellanda ®

Not long after, a friend of a friend stopped by my apartment in Nice. Immediately, he asked me to enter my work into a selection process for a one man exposition overlooking the beautiful beach and sea of Monaco. At first, I refused… they were simple flower photographs, yet somehow these photos were part of me and showing them gave me an uncomfortable feeling. It was as if I was naked… as if everyone would know more about me than I wanted them to know. I know that it is probably rare that someone would need to be convinced to show their work in an Art Exposition, but the idea terrified me. After refusing several times, I eventually agreed to show, but not sell my work. I couldn’t get over the concept of selling my soul, as silly as that sounds.

The show featured all 15 of my unedited film photographs from the Evocative Series and was dedicated to others like myself:

Evocative Series – Dedication – Bellanda ®

It was overwhelming to see people react to my work at the Red Carpet Opening. Many were indeed able to see inside of me, and yes, their comments made me blush more than once. I accepted exposing the Evocative Series several times in France, while my Photographic Artwork took on a more and more abstract nature.  This newer work is about capturing a moment, one of emotion and of a state of mind. Although my newer work is far more abstract and can have many interpretations from one person to the next, Evocative remains precious in my heart. It was the first step that led me to develop my current abstract photographic art and painting creations.

It’s true that I had no desire to sell Evocative, but when I saw the pleasure that it gave to others, it felt almost selfish not to allow them to have this in their own homes. I have been selling many of my more recent paintings and photographic art, and have since changed my thinking of seeing my artwork inside the homes of others. Unfortunately, just as I had come to terms with letting the Evocative Series go, transportation from its most recent exposition caused some slight damage to several of the photographs/frames that I had designed especially for the Evocative Series. When I say damaged, I mean little scratches or indents on the frame, etc. I was devastated. Everyone keeps telling me that they don’t notice them or can hardly see them, but with my eye and heart… I see them.

After talking it over with several people, including the dear sweet man who inspired this work, I decided to sell them at a reduced rate. The idea of leaving them in storage breaks my heart. They have traveled long and hard and it is time for them to find a home with someone who will appreciate their history… someone who will appreciate the value of true, unedited film photographs, printed on traditional photo paper versus that of digital on inkjet… someone who will fall in love with their story of love.

Evocative Series Choices:

The Evocative Series is the only artwork that is sold on a limited basis. All of my more recent works are sold on a one-of-a-kind basis. As with all of my work, each Evocative photograph and/or series, framed or not, will come with a signed and stamped Certificate of Authenticity. It was designed to protect the security and genuineness of your limited edition. It will assure authenticity, and include the title, size, and number in the series.

There have only been a total of FIVE sets of the 13 photographs ever made. No further prints will be printed in the future.

  • FOUR sets of the Evocative Series are sized at 30 x 20 cm *Each individual photo will sell at a sale price of 50€ + shipping. *For the purchase of more than one photograph or the entire series, please contact me directly for a special package price.
  • Only ONE set of the Evocative Series is sized at 60 x 40 cm  For pricing details, please see the framing selections below:

Photographs mounted on a floating aluminum structure and built into a black wooden frame designed by Bellanda – Size: 80 x 60 x 5 cm may be purchased for 450€ + shipping   *There are a limited number of black wooden frames, which will be sold on a first come first serve basis.

Evocative Frames - Unique design by Bellanda
Evocative Frame choice: Signed & Dated Floating Unedited Film Photograph on aluminum, mounted on a Unique Black Wooden Frame designed by Bellanda – Size: 80 x 60 x 5 cm

Photographs mounted on a floating aluminum structure – Size: 60 x 40 x 3 cm (without wooden black frame) may be purchased for 300€ + shipping

Evocative Frame choice: Floating Photograph on aluminum 60x43x3cm
Evocative Frame choice: Floating Unedited Film Photograph mounted on aluminum by Bellanda  – Size: 60 x 40 x 3 cm

Please contact me if you would like to know further details about the Evocative Series, as well as any of my newer work. I would be happy to discuss this with you personally.

To purchase or ask for more information concerning one of these photos, please fill out the confidential form below. We will be happy to provide further information about a particular work and/or give you a price quote for your particular region. Please note: all work will be delivered free of charge in the Paris, France region, and special discount rates will apply to purchases of more than one photograph.

*All rights to these images are fully retained by the artist, Bellanda. Any unauthorized reproduction or use is a violation of copyright law.

Bellanda at International Women’s Day Party


Please join me, my paintings & more at the International Women’s Day Party!

For more information/free registration, please click here:


MAGMA: Oil on Canvas By Bellanda ®

Turmoil of Light and Darkness,

of Spirit and of Soul…

A battle of Wills and Hope.

Magma by Bellanda ® Oil On 100% Linen Canvas 73 x 100 cm
Magma by Bellanda ®
Oil On 100% Linen Canvas
73 x 100 cm

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85


Making of MAGMA… Oil on Canvas By Bellanda ®

Everything began on Monday…

and your music suggestions played throughout the Atelier.


The mixing of colors…


Inspiration guided movement of each stroke…

Making of MAGMA  By BELLANDA ®

The movement of brushes…


First attempt at Time Lapse:

Unfortunately the video color representation was not as accurate as I had hoped, but this quick clip will give you a little look inside my painting creation.  I have convinced my dear partner to do a movie clip for our NEXT Painting Atelier, using our Canon Mark III. This will enable me to give you better image quality next time.

Bellanda Time Lapse: Making of MAGMA

MAGMA will be published tomorrow.

Please Stay Tuned!

A Glimpse Into My Painting Atelier… A Glimpse of Me At Work.

“The light shines through… the music flows… and with each and every stroke of the brush

I am guided into a journey

of mind, body and spirit.”

Bellanda ® 

Latest Painting Atelier with Bellanda ®
Latest Painting Atelier with Bellanda ®

Latest Painting Atelier with Bellanda ®
Latest Painting Atelier with Bellanda ®

Oil Painting Atelier Scheduled for Next Week!

As promised, here is the announcement for our next painting atelier.  Thank you for such wonderful musical suggestions. It has been difficult to make a selection, as your suggestions were fabulous.  For this reason, I have chosen several and have left myself open to adding others as I paint.  Your participation is greatly appreciated, as is your patience.  I’m thrilled to be well enough to express myself again through movement and color, and to be able to share the painting process with you via photos and time-lapse.

Painting Atelier Announcement

I look forward to seeing where my inspiration from your music suggestions will take this next painting… Thank you for being here with me.  Believe in dreams… for they can come true.
Bellanda ®

Believe in dreams... for they can come true. Bellanda ®

It’s Almost Time For Our Next Online Atelier!

Call for Music:

The time has come...

As promised, the time has come for you to take part in the making of my next painting.  Many of you may already know that music is imperative to my creation process… and the choice of music is equally important.  It can influence the stroke of the brush… the choice of color and the actual painting itself.

Although he may not know it, Ludovico Einaudi has taken me on many a glorious journey during my painting process.  His musical genius is inspiring… and I adored allowing his work take me where it did.

Today, I am going to ask you to take part in helping select the music for our next Online Atelier… I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas about the music you’d like me to listen to while I create.  I will listen to all music in the days to come, allowing my instincts to select which musical artist I will select for our Online Atelier.  I will reveal the name of the music as I am about to begin so that you can listen and see where it takes you, while I allow it to take my paintbrush in a direction of its own.

Your participation in this process will make this a lot more interesting and perhaps add an unexpected dimension to my work.  I hope you will play along by adding the name of a song and musical artist.  I can’t wait to see where this new discovery will take us!

Coming Soon… Atelier Bellanda GoesPro!

Watch my next painting come to life via time-lapse and GoPro.

I’m getting ready to open the doors to my Online Painting Atelier again.  Our next painting session will take place in September.  The date will be announced ahead of time so you can join in on the music selection.  Feel free to add music suggestions here or at a later date on the announcement page.

I look forward to seeing you at our next Online Atelier!

Atelier Bellanda GoesPro!
Photo Credits: Bellanda ®

One of Kind Film Photography – Series – Espoir N°2

Hope is what we cling to when life brings us in a direction we hadn’t expected,

It’s what allows us to see beyond despair, fear and tragedy.

Hope is what makes surviving possible.


N°2 of 7 different images that make up the series entitled: Espoir Unedited Film Photography – Espoir Series – Espoir N°2 All rights reserved BELLANDA ®
N°2 of 7 different images that make up the series entitled: Espoir
Unedited Film Photography – Espoir Series – Espoir N°2
All rights reserved

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85

Oil Painting: ENVELOP

Here is the painting that started in one direction and color scheme,

and finished in a totally new way.

The beauty is that one never knows where a painting will lead

when we allow ourselves to let our cerebral self go

in order to let our inner soul speak.

Bellanda ®
Oil Painting on Linen Canvas
Bellanda ®

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85

Sometimes a painting takes on a new life… even before it is born.

Bellanda  ®
First Life – Bellanda ®

Sometimes the unexpected happens on the very same canvas…

and the painting takes on a new life all by itself.

Bellanda ®
Second Life – Bellanda ®

Stay turned to see the end result…

Film Photography – One of Kind – Illusion N°1

Everything is far from what it seems,

So stop asking yourself what the object might be,

And allow yourself to truly see.


All rights reserved BELLANDA ®
One-of-a-Kind Unedited Film Photography – Illusion N°1 of 21 different photographs in the Illusion Series. 
All rights reserved

 For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85

Oil Painting: Naissance du Papillon

Bellanda ®
Bellanda ®

As the sounds of Ludovico Einaudi’s music resonated throughout my atelier, Naissance du Papillon was created…

With it shines the soft light of something new and positive.

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85

Making of Oil Painting… turning green into something more

With Atelier doors open and music from Ludovico Einaudi playing, I once again let go and allowed the music to inspire me. Let’s see where it leads…

Bellanda  ®
Bellanda ®

One of Kind Film Photography – Series – Espoir N°1

Hope is what we cling to when life brings us in a direction we hadn’t expected,

Hope is what allows us to see beyond despair, fear and tragedy,

Hope is what makes surviving possible.


1 of 7  different images that make up the series entitled:  Espoir
Unedited Film Photography – Espoir Series – Espoir N°1
All rights reserved

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85 

Torsade Dorée

Let there be light... and let it dance to the rhythm of our dreams. Que la lumière soit... et laissons là danser au rythme de nos rêves.
Let there be light… and let it dance to the rhythm of our dreams.
Que la lumière soit… et laissons là danser au rythme de nos rêves.
Bellanda ®

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85

Le Grand Bleu

This oil painting is dedicated to all surfers and lovers of the ocean and sea around the world. I hope it takes you on a journey in mind and in spirit...
This oil painting is dedicated to all surfers and lovers of the ocean and sea around the world. I hope it takes you on a journey in mind and in spirit…
Bellanda ®

For availability/price catalog: http://wp.me/P3hMku-85

Evocative Series

Evocative SeriesBellanda  ®
Evocative Series
Bellanda ®

“Although we can’t always choose who our hearts fall in love with, 

We can decide how to express these inner emotions.

This work is dedicated to those who long to express their love,

Yet must find another outlet for their passion.”

Bellanda ®