Mixed Media & Digital Art

Life is indeed an adventure, and I consider myself lucky to be here muddling through it with the rest of you. As many of you know, my work has evolved along with my illness. I’ve never been one to cry, woe is me, and this certainly is not the time to do that. I might not be able to physically paint for hours, or walk the streets taking photos as much as I would like, but I still have a desire, a need, to express myself in some way… perhaps that desire has even grown stronger.

My mixed media collection, was born from the curveballs that life sometimes throws your way, and I couldn’t be prouder of the direction it has taken. Here is a sampling of some of my latest works.

Mixed Media by Bellanda

To see these, and other Mixed Media and Digital Art creations, please visit the Mixed Media Collection in my Shop in the main menu or via the link below: