Category Archives: OIL PAINTINGS

My finished unfinished painting…

It’s been quite some time since I let you all in on my thought processes. I know that this was originally why I started this website, so I’ve decided to get back to that. As I sit here listening to Ludovico Einaudi, my heart fills with the desire to pick up my paint brushes again. His mesmerizing music has often led to my most satisfying painting sessions, and I long to disappear into the music… to allow myself to truly let go, in a magical dance of movement between my entire body and my paintbrush, as the oil paint glides across a large canvas.

Tears fill my eyes as I listen to this music and look upon my last finished unfinished oil painting. Only those who have been to my apartment have ever seen it. I’ve never purposely shown it to anyone, yet it is probably one of the most important paintings I’ve ever done. It was the last time I held a brush in my hands… the last time I moved my brush and felt the pleasure of reaching down inside myself to reveal a piece of my soul on canvas. Painting was better than any therapy session I could have ever received. It was a moment of completely letting go of everything, including the pain I have endured. Painting allowed me to reach a level of pure unimaginable joy… It was a way of revealing what I didn’t even know was inside of me.

Now, there it sits… my last painting, on the floor… in the corner of my apartment, partially hidden behind a door. It’s so close to being finished… and it’s my largest piece of artwork to date. At first glance it looks as though it might be finished…

but as I move closer to this work without a name, my eyes fall on the part of the painting that reveals the exact moment of where and when my undiagnosed illness took a terrible turn. It had advanced too far untreated, making me too ill to continue painting. I was unable to even walk without help, let alone paint, so this unfinished work sat staring back at me as I battled this disease that had taken over my body. It sat while I fought for a diagnosis. I stared at this painting between doctor appointments… and hospital stays.

When I had gained some strength, I tried to finish this painting but by that time, months had passed and the oil paint had long dried. As I applied the fresh paint, it made bumps as I painted over the grooves left on the canvas from my previous painting. The new paint could no longer blend and smooth into my previous work, and although disappointed I continued to paint until I could paint no more. My body once again began to betray me, and the physical movements were just too much for me. I had to stop. The sides of the canvas were unfinished, leaving raw canvas and patches of paint and smudges left over from the process. The sharp flowing groves of the paint weren’t quite right. It was gut wrenching to put the paintbrushes away, and when I did, I wonder if a part of me knew that this would be the last time I would hold a brush for a very long time, if ever again.

Years have gone by, and my doctors have gotten a decent grasp on what’s happening with me. Although there is no cure, they have slowed the progression of what had been ravaging my body, and I have gathered strength. If you look at me now, you would not even know that I am sick, that I take a minimum of 13 pills a day and that I must rest for days if I plan to live what most consider a normal day outside the house. No sympathy is needed because I have learned how to live with my illnesses as best I can and I am appreciative of each moment I get on this earth with my beautiful family and friends.

My easel, on which sat my last painting, has sadly been arranged for years. As a result, my finished unfinished painting was moved, turned sideways and place on the floor in the corner of the room. I’ve since adapted my artwork and feel blessed to have my dear sweet man offer me an iPad so I could create artwork differently…

Bellanda at work

but I feel like something has changed today. I often listen to Ludovico Einaudi, but for the first time in years, as I look at my finished unfinished painting, I’m thinking of taking out the paintbrushes again. I’m asking myself questions: Perhaps a smaller canvas? What if I rest for days before I paint? To be honest, I’m not sure where this is heading, but I am happy. It’s something for me to think about.

I’ve also come to another conclusion about that finished unfinished painting… Perhaps it’s time to think of it as finished. Those bumps in the canvas that were created during my health crisis actually belong there. They represent my struggle… as do the messy unfinished lines and sides of the canvas. They are justified in existing, as are our flaws. Not everything can be smoothed out… acceptance is often the first step to moving forward.

This painting is as beautifully imperfect as I am … and it represents my unfinished battle. Those imperfections are much like the bumps in the road that have taken me off the main road time and time again… but only until I’ve created a new path. I’m certainly not giving up… not on my health, not in my life, nor in my creations.

Now, I just need to give this painting a name… and to find a place to hang it proudly. Thanks for sticking with me and for being here on my journey. ❤️

Bellanda at International Women’s Day Party


Please join me, my paintings & more at the International Women’s Day Party!

For more information/free registration, please click here:

MAGMA: Oil on Canvas By Bellanda ®

Turmoil of Light and Darkness,

of Spirit and of Soul…

A battle of Wills and Hope.

Magma by Bellanda ® Oil On 100% Linen Canvas 73 x 100 cm
Magma by Bellanda ®
Oil On 100% Linen Canvas
73 x 100 cm

For availability/price catalog:


Coming Soon… Atelier Bellanda GoesPro!

Watch my next painting come to life via time-lapse and GoPro.

I’m getting ready to open the doors to my Online Painting Atelier again.  Our next painting session will take place in September.  The date will be announced ahead of time so you can join in on the music selection.  Feel free to add music suggestions here or at a later date on the announcement page.

I look forward to seeing you at our next Online Atelier!

Atelier Bellanda GoesPro!
Photo Credits: Bellanda ®

Oil Painting: ENVELOP

Here is the painting that started in one direction and color scheme,

and finished in a totally new way.

The beauty is that one never knows where a painting will lead

when we allow ourselves to let our cerebral self go

in order to let our inner soul speak.

Bellanda ®
Oil Painting on Linen Canvas
Bellanda ®

For availability/price catalog:

Oil Painting: Naissance du Papillon

Bellanda ®
Bellanda ®

As the sounds of Ludovico Einaudi’s music resonated throughout my atelier, Naissance du Papillon was created…

With it shines the soft light of something new and positive.

For availability/price catalog:

Torsade Dorée

Let there be light... and let it dance to the rhythm of our dreams. Que la lumière soit... et laissons là danser au rythme de nos rêves.
Let there be light… and let it dance to the rhythm of our dreams.
Que la lumière soit… et laissons là danser au rythme de nos rêves.
Bellanda ®

For availability/price catalog:

Le Grand Bleu

This oil painting is dedicated to all surfers and lovers of the ocean and sea around the world. I hope it takes you on a journey in mind and in spirit...
This oil painting is dedicated to all surfers and lovers of the ocean and sea around the world. I hope it takes you on a journey in mind and in spirit…
Bellanda ®

For availability/price catalog:


It all begins here!Bellanda  ®
It all begins here!
Bellanda ®

Enlightenment is one of the first oil paintings that made a true transition from my more abstract photography to oil painting.  After years of working with photographic images, I began to feel the need to move in a way that could allow me to become not only emotionally involved with my creations, but physically.  Although setting up a photo shoot continues to thrill me, I wanted to immerse myself completely in the creative process… literally get lost in my work, music, emotions, movements, and paint textures.

The realization of Enlightenment took place with some of my Twitter and Facebook friends joining me online during the creative process on my Atelier Bellanda Facebook Page, where the idea of opening of my Atelier Doors was born.  Photos were posted during the painting process to give online Atelier Visitors the chance to see, comment and participate in its creation.

For this first painting, I knew what colors I wanted to work with and even the music that I would listen to while working. However, I had no idea what I was going to paint, nor how it would make me feel.  Ludovico Einaudi’s music filled my Atelier and a thrill of excitement took over my being as I guided that very first long brush stroke across the large blank linen canvas, measuring 100×73 centimeters. At that moment, I knew I had just found the change that I had been looking for in my artistic expression.

Some of the making of photos that were posted online during the creation process.
Some of the making of photos that were posted online during the creation process.

I allowed Einaudi’s music  to take my inner-self  somewhere it had never been.  There was a moment during the painting process where I was no longer conscious of anything around me.  The music and slow dance-like movements of the brush had taken me into an almost hypnotic state.

Final Product:  Enlightenment.Bellanda ®
Final Product: Enlightenment
Bellanda ®

Paris Area Art Exposition of Bellanda's oil Painting, 'Enlightenment'100x73 cmBellanda ®
Paris Area Art Exposition of Bellanda’s oil Painting, ‘Enlightenment’
100×73 cm
Bellanda ®

Thank you to all who joined me… both during the creation process and at the Art Exposition that followed.

 For availability/price catalog: